David James is an Alaskan author and literary critic whose work has been published by the Anchorage Daily News, Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, Anchorage Press, Alaska Dispatch News, Alaska Pulse, Alaska Magazine, and Ester Republic. He is editing a forthcoming anthology of Alaska writing.
Activists in Alaska are asking voters to approve the upcoming ballot measure asking if there should be a state constitutional convention. These activists seek to ban abortion under all circumstances in Alaska. This will lead to many bad outcomes for women and girls in the state that holds the shameful distinction of leading the country on sexual abuse. If the activists get their convention and the changes they seek to the document, what happened to an impregnated ten-year-old rape victim in Ohio recently will become the norm for impregnated rape victims in Alaska: forced pregnancy unless they can afford travel Outside. This is a crime in itself equivalent to the rape, as it would place the state in the position of forcing rape victims to submit their bodies to the demands of anti-abortion fanatics. Groups leading the charge to hold the convention, such as the Alaska Family Council, ignore rampant family violence in this state. They are not serving the interests of Alaska fa...